Мэдээ, Мэдээлэл

Shipping Terms:

Shipping Terms:

ATA /Actual Date of Arrival/ – The actual time when the cargo arrived or the actual time when the vehicle (ship) arrived at the destination

AWB / Airway bill / – Air cargo transportation document

DGR /Dangerous Goods Regulations /-Dangerous goods transportation regulations

DIM /Dimensions /-Dimensions of length, width and height of cargo

ETA /Estmated Date of Arrival/ – Estimated Delivery Time of cargo

EX-1 /Export Declaration /-The international document which certifies that the goods produced and sold in the European Union are being exported.

LDM /Loading meter /– 1m or longer cargo by its width of trucks and containers

LCL / Less than Container Load / – Collectable cargo loaded in containers. Combine loads that do not fit into a full container, means container filling and transportation service

LTL / Less than Truck Load/ – Collectable cargo loaded into truck. Combine loads that do not fit into a full truck, means container filling and transportation service

FCL /Full Container Load /-Full container transport

TIR /Transports internationaux Routiers or International Road Transport /-TIR is opened in a country where made export customs and ends up in the country where import customs are made. In other words, customs clearance will be done only at the final destination of the cargo. And it will be without customs inspection in the countries where the TIR truck is passing through.

T/S /Transshipment /-Transshipment – From one vehicle to another when it is not possible to directly deliver the goods by one vehicle. It is mainly used to transfer cargo from ship to ship.

T-1 /Transit declaration /– Customs document used in the cross-border movement of goods for transporting customs goods from one customs office to another. Basically, the T1 note is used to carry non-EU goods within the EU territory.

Manifest – All information loaded on board a ship or aircraft operated by the carrier’s agent at the port of shipment.

Cargo seal / Sargo Seal / – To protect against external influences or anything from the outside, it is a metal device placed in the door area of ​​the container or truck.

CBM /CUBIC METER / – It is the basic measurement for all types of transportation

Pallet /pallet / – A wooden platform for packing goods. 2 types of pallets are widely used for transportation.

Standard size – 120 cm long. It is 100 cm wide and 11.4 cm thick, and the word FIN is engraved on the leg. The upper part – 7, the lower part consists of 3 planks.

Euro pallet – the common standard pallet used by the European Union countries is 120 cm long, 80 cm wide, and 11.4 cm thick.

The mark EUR is burned into the leg. The upper part consists of 5 planks and the lower part consists of 3 planks.


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